Area Chart

Example Usage

Chart Title X-Axis Label 11:11:4711:11:4811:11:4911:11:5011:11:5111:11:5211:11:53 Y-Axis Label 02000400060008000

  import { AreaChart, Area, Axis } from "@fanny-pack-ui/svelte-kit";

  function subtractSec(sec) {
    const date = new Date();
    // Setting the milliseconds to zero will ensure that the x-axis
    // labels line up exactly with the plots on the chart.
    // Subtract the given seconds from the Date object and set the
    // date object to have the new seconds.
    date.setSeconds(date.getSeconds() - sec);
    return date;

  const simpleData = [
    { timestamp: subtractSec(7), pv: 2400 },
    { timestamp: subtractSec(6), pv: 1398 },
    { timestamp: subtractSec(5), pv: 9800 },
    { timestamp: subtractSec(4), pv: 3908 },
    { timestamp: subtractSec(3), pv: 4800 },
    { timestamp: subtractSec(2), pv: 3800 },
    { timestamp: subtractSec(1), pv: 4300 },

   * This will return the value padded with leading zeros,
   * when necessary, so each value has 2 digits.
  function padWithZeros(num) {
    return String(num).padStart(2, "0");

   * In this chart example each x-axis tick (i.e. each data point's x-value)
   * is a JavaScript Date object. So I am simply calling Date.getHours(), 
   * Date.getMinutes(), and Date.getSeconds() on each x-axis tick and 
   * returning the formatted time.
  function getTime(tick) {
    let hours = padWithZeros(tick.getHours());
    let minutes = padWithZeros(tick.getMinutes());
    let seconds = padWithZeros(tick.getSeconds());
    return `${hours}:${minutes}:${seconds}`;

<div class="chart-space">
      top: 50,
      bottom: 75,
      left: 70,
      right: 5,
    chartTitleText="Chart Title"
      axisLabelText="X-Axis Label"
      axisLabelText="Y-Axis Label"

  .chart-space {
    width: 100%;
    height: 400px;

Multiple Overlaid Areas

You can overlay multiple areas on top of each other. Keep in mind that some of the data points might not display very clearly and your chart might not look very good. You might consider using line charts for this use case instead of area charts.

Chart Title X-Axis Label 11:11:4711:11:4811:11:4911:11:5011:11:5111:11:5211:11:53 Y-Axis Label 02000400060008000

  const complexData = [
      timestamp: subtractSec(7),
      uv: 4000,
      pv: 2400,
      amt: 2400,
      timestamp: subtractSec(6),
      uv: 3000,
      pv: 1398,
      amt: 2210,
      timestamp: subtractSec(5),
      uv: 2000,
      pv: 9800,
      amt: 2290,
      timestamp: subtractSec(4),
      uv: 2780,
      pv: 3908,
      amt: 2000,
      timestamp: subtractSec(3),
      uv: 1890,
      pv: 4800,
      amt: 2181,
      timestamp: subtractSec(2),
      uv: 2390,
      pv: 3800,
      amt: 2500,
      timestamp: subtractSec(1),
      uv: 3490,
      pv: 4300,
      amt: 2100,

<div class="chart-space">
      top: 50,
      bottom: 75,
      left: 70,
      right: 5,
    chartTitleText="Chart Title"
    <Area yValueId="uv" color="darkred" />
    <Area yValueId="pv" color="greenyellow" />
    <Area yValueId="amt" color="darkblue" />

Displaying data without the tooltip

Time: 11:11:54Value: null
Chart Title X-Axis Label 11:11:4711:11:4811:11:4911:11:5011:11:5111:11:5211:11:53 Y-Axis Label 02000400060008000

<script lang="ts">
  let currentData = { timestamp: new Date(), pv: null };

  function handleHoveredData(event) {
    currentData = event.detail;

<div class="current-data">
  <span class="time">Time: {getTime(currentData.timestamp)}</span>
  <span class="value">Value: {currentData.pv}</span>


There are situations where a tooltip might not be the best way to display values from a data point. In the <AreaChart> component you can set showTooltip={false} and listen to the on:hoveredData event. You can then format the data that is displayed to the user however you want.


For the <AreaChart> component

Prop name Type Possible values Default value Description
data array of objects Any array of objects containing numerical values NA This prop will provide the data that is displayed in your chart.
xValueId string Any property name from your data objects NA This prop should be the name of a property from your data objects. This is how the <AreaChart> component is able to tell which values should be treated as the x-values.
margin object possible values { top: 0, bottom: 0, left: 0, right: 0 } The margin prop is used to provide space between the edges of the chart and the container element that wraps your chart component. The margins include the axes and their tick labels, but do not include the chart title or axis labels. For example, if you increase the left chart margin, then the left edge of the chart along with the y-axis and its tick labels will move away from the left side of the screen, but the y-axis label will not move.
chartTitleText string Any string "" (an empty string) This prop provides the chart title text. If no text is provided in this prop, then the chart will not have a title.
chartTitleSize number Any number 16 (pixels) This prop provides the size of the chart title in pixels.
showTooltip boolean true, false true This prop allows you to show or hide the tooltip when a user hovers over the chart. If the tooltip is hidden, then the vertical indicator line that appears along with the tooltip will also be hidden.
formatTooltipXValue function Any function (value) => value
By default this will return the value without formatting it.
You should provide a function to this prop that will take an x-value as an argument and return a formatted version of the x-value.

For the <Area> component

Prop name Type Possible values Default value Description
yValueId string Any property name from your data objects NA This prop should be the name of a property from your data objects. This is how the <AreaChart> component is able to tell which value(s) should be treated as a y-value.
color string Any CSS color value "#000000" This prop provides the color for your area chart.

For the <Axis> component

Prop name Type Possible values Default value Description
axisType string "xAxis", "yAxis" "" (an empty string) This prop defines whether the axis will be an x-axis (positioned below the chart) or a y-axis (positioned on the left side of the chart).
Axis Line
showAxisLine boolean true, false true This prop allows you to show or hide the axis line.
lineStrokeColor string Any CSS color value "#000000" This prop provides the color of the axis lines and axis tick marks.
lineStrokeWidth number Any number 1 This prop provides the stroke width for the axis lines and axis tick marks.
Tick Marks
showTickMarks boolean true, false true This prop allows you to show or hide the tick marks.
fullLengthTickMarks boolean true, false false If showTickMarks is true, then this prop allows you to set the tick marks to be the full height of the chart.
numberOfTickMarks number Any number 5 D3.js will take this number into consideration when setting the number of tick marks, but ultimately D3 will set the number of tick marks that it calculates to be the most appropriate number based on your data.
Tick Labels
showTickLabels boolean true, false true This prop allows you to show or hide the tick labels.
tickLabelFontSize number Any number 12 This prop sets the font size of the tick labels.
tickLabelFill string Any CSS color value "#000000" This prop sets the text color of the tick labels.
formatTickLabel function Any function (tick) => tick
By default this will return the tick label without formatting it.
You should provide a function to this prop that will take a tick label as an argument and return a formatted version of the tick label.
tickLabelTranslateX number Any number "xAxis"=0, "yAxis"=-15 This prop allows you to shift the tick labels either left or right.
tickLabelTranslateY number Any number "xAxis"=15, "yAxis"=0 This prop allows you to shift the tick labels either up or down.
rotateTickLabel number Any number 0 This prop allows you to rotate the tick labels.
Axis Labels
axisLabelText string Any string "" (an empty string) This prop provides the axis label text. If no text is provided in this prop, then the axis will not have a label.
axisLabelSize number Any number 16 (pixels) This prop provides the size of the axis label in pixels.

Event dispatching for the <AreaChart> component

Event Description
on:hoveredData You can listen for the hoveredData event and get the currently hovered data object on the event.detail property (see the example above for details). You might want to use this instead of displaying data through the tooltip.