Currency Input

Example Usage

  import { CurrencyInput } from "@fanny-pack-ui/svelte-kit";

  let amount = 0;

<div style="margin-bottom:20px">
    label="Enter a dollar amount"
    placeholder="Type right here"

Return Value Demo

Currency Input Components
Return Value

NOTE: The Return Value example above shows the value that is returned from this component. This is the value that you would use to run calculations or that you would send to the backend for processing or to store in a database. This value is a number data type.

Custom Input Style Props

The original intention for these custom styles was to set --custom-input-bg-color="transparent" so the <CurrencyInput> field would blend into the background. A few extra custom style rules have been provided for even more customizability.

You can set the following custom variables:

  • --custom-input-bg-color
  • --custom-input-border-color
  • --custom-input-text-color
  • --custom-input-placeholder-text-color
<div style="margin:20px 0">
    placeholder="Enter an amount"


Prop name Type Possible values Default value Description
string Any string "" (an empty string) This prop will provide a label for the input field. If nothing is passed to this prop, then no label will be displayed.
labelAlign string left, right right This prop will align the label for the input field either to left or the right side of the input field.
bind:value number any number 0 This component’s value prop needs to be bound to a variable that has a number data type.

It is important to understand that the data type of value is number (not string). In other words, the variable that is bound to the value prop is a number and it is simply formatted as a string using the Internationalization API before it is displayed in the browser.

That also means that when you store the value that is bound to the value prop (e.g. in a database), the data type of that value will be number (not string). JavaScript’s number data type automatically removes any insignificant trailing zeros after the decimal point. So if you are trying to store a number like 10.0, 10.00, 10.50, or 10.550, JavaScript will remove the insignificant zeros from the end of those numbers and return 10, 10, 10.5, and 10.55, respectively. So when storing these values in a database, it might be best to store them as floating point numbers (e.g. doubles) in order to handle both integers and floats.
valAlign string left, right right This prop will align the value in the input field either to left or the right side of the input field.
locale string Any locale identifier string. See Intl.Locale for more details. en-US This prop is the locale identifier string that will format the currency value to the correct format.
currency string Any acceptable currency string. See Intl.NumberFormat() constructor for more details. USD This prop is the currency to use in currency formatting.
padding string Any CSS padding value or CSS size variable from your theme.css file. var(--input-default-padding) This prop will set the padding for the input field.

The default value can be changed in the theme.css file.
fontSize string Any CSS font size value or CSS font size variable from your theme.css file. var(--input-default-font-size) This prop will set the font size for the input field.

The default value can be changed in the theme.css file.
placeholder (optional) string Any string NA This prop will act as the placeholder when the input field is empty.
disabled boolean true, false false This prop will disable the input field.

Event Forwarding

Event Description
on:change This component forwards the change event, so you can call an event handler when a user changes the value in the input field and then the input field loses focus.
on:input This component forwards the input event, so you can call an event handler when a user enters a value into the input field.
on:blur This component dispatches a custom blur event rather than forwarding the blur DOM event. This is because the blur event is used internally in this component so the blur event cannot be forwarded. The main difference when listening for and handling the blur event in this component is that, since the blur event is dispatched, you will find the blur event on the event.detail object rather than the event object. For example:

function handlerFunction(event) {
  console.log("Blur Event:", event.detail)};

<CurrencyInput on:blur={handlerFunction} />