Date Picker

The <DatePicker/> component has two exports:

  1. The <DatePicker/> component, which takes an ISO date string in the form YYYY-MM-DD and returns a date string of the same form.
  2. The getISODate() function, which takes a new Date() object and can be used to set the initial/default value of the <DatePicker/> component.

Example Usage

date format: YYYY-MM-DD
Date Format: YYYY-MM-DD

This is the value that is returned from this component (it is a string data type): 2025-02-20

<script lang="ts">
  import { DatePicker, getISODate } from "@fanny-pack-ui/svelte-kit";

  let date = getISODate(new Date());
  let dateIsValid = false;

<div class="date-wrapper">
  {#if !dateIsValid}
    <div class="invalid-error-wrapper">
      <span class="invalid-error-msg">Date Format: YYYY-MM-DD</span>

  .date-wrapper {
    width: 350px;
    max-width: 100%;
    margin-bottom: 20px;

  .invalid-error-wrapper {
    margin-top: 7px;
  .invalid-error-msg {
    padding: 5px 10px;
    border-radius: 3px;
    background-color: var(--dark-red);
    color: var(--white);
    font-weight: bold;


  • Users can directly enter a date value into the input field or select a date from the calendar that pops up.
  • If a user enters a date into the input field that does not match the YYYY-MM-DD format, then a validation error is triggered.
  • If you want to set the initial/default value to today’s date, then use the getISODate() function that is exported along with this component and pass a new Date() object to it. See the example above for details.
    • Be careful about the date string that you pass to this component to give it an initial/default value.
    • The value that is returned from this component is a string in ISO date format. For example: 2025-02-20
    • You can pass an ISO date string to a new Date() constructor to create a Date object, like this: new Date("2023-09-13"). That will create a date object like this:
      Wed Sep 13 2023 00:00:00 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
    • Keep in mind that the actual date that is returned from the new Date("YYYY-MM-DD") constructor will vary depending on your timezone. So passing an ISO date string to the new Date() constructor may not give you the result you are expecting. See JavaScript Date Formats for details.
  • This <DatePicker/> component is designed to fill the entire width of its parent element. So, for example, you can put a wrapper <div> element around the <DatePicker/> component and put a width on the <div> and the <DatePicker/> component will be as wide as the <div> wrapper. See the example above.

Custom DatePicker Style Props

The original intention for these custom styles was to set --custom-date-picker-input-bg-color="transparent" so the <DatePicker> field would blend into the background. A few extra custom style rules have been provided for even more customizability.

You can set the following custom variables:

  • --custom-date-picker-border-color
  • --custom-date-picker-input-bg-color
  • --custom-date-picker-input-text-color
  • --custom-date-picker-input-placeholder-text-color
  • --custom-date-picker-btn-bg-color
  • --custom-date-picker-btn-icon-color
  • --custom-date-picker-btn-separator-color

date format: YYYY-MM-DD

  placeholder="Enter a date"


Prop name Type Possible values Default value Description
string Any string "" (an empty string) The text for the <label> element. If this prop is not provided, then no label will be displayed.
bind:value string A string with in ISO date format (YYYY-MM-DD) or an empty string ("") Today’s date in ISO string format (YYYY-MM-DD) The date that is entered into the input field or that is selected in the calendar will be bound to the variable that is passed to this prop.

Look at the first example for one way to set the default value to today’s date.
boolean true, false false This prop indicates whether the text that has been entered into the input field is a valid date and/or is formatted correctly. The variable that is bound to this prop will be set to true if the date is valid and false otherwise. This can be used to display an error message if the date that was entered is not valid, as shown in the first example.

Note that if you bind the value prop to a variable that equals a valid date, for example let date = getISODate(new Date()), then the date that is initially entered into the <DatePicker/> input field will be a valid date. That also means that the date will be valid initially, even if you set the variable that is bound to the isValid prop to equal false.

NOTE: Although this will validate the text that is entered into the <DatePicker/> input field, it would probably be preferable to run all your validations through a validation library, like Superstruct, Zod, or Yup.
string Any CSS padding value or CSS size variable from your theme.css file. var(--date-picker-input-default-padding-v) This prop will set the top and bottom padding for the <DatePicker/> input field and the padding on all sides of the <DatePicker/> button.

You can change the default size in the theme.css file.
string Any CSS padding value or CSS size variable from your theme.css file. var(--date-picker-input-default-padding-h) This prop will set the left and right padding for the <DatePicker/> input field.

You can change the default size in the theme.css file.
string Any CSS font size value or CSS font size variable from your theme.css file. var(--date-picker-input-default-font-size) This prop will set the text size of the <DatePicker/> input field.

You can change the default size in the theme.css file.
string Any string YYYY-MM-DD This prop will set the placeholder when the date value is an empty string ("").
btnIcon string Any icon name from the Iconify library. "mdi:calendar" This prop will set the icon that is displayed in the <DatePicker/> button.
btnIconSize number Any number The same as the fontSize value This prop will set the size of the icon that is displayd in the <DatePicker/> button. Note that the default btnIconSize is the same as the fontSize value, but the btnIconSize is a number data type and the fontSize is a string data type with a CSS length unit as the suffix of the string.
disabled boolean true, false false This prop will disable the <DatePicker/> component.